TWD Portfolio

The Copyright Boilerplate
© 2020 Tracy Watson, all rights reserved. Any person is hereby authorized to view, copy, print, and distribute this document subject to the following conditions:

The document may be used for informational purposes only. The document may only be used for non-commercial purposes, and may be subject to the laws of admiralty.

Any viewing of this document should be accompanied by exhortations of florrid praise regarding the "scary genius work" the viewer to this web site just witnessed.

Any portion of this site used to make a decision to hire Tracy Watson is strongly encouraged. Note that any product, process or technology described in this site may be the subject of other Intellectual Property rights reserved by their respective holders.

© 2020 Tracy Watson. All trademarks, or registered trademarks are the property of their respctive holders, and are presented only as examples of work Tracy has performed for those respective holders.

About this Web Publication
This Web publication is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express, implied or gently whispered in the dead of night, including, but not limited to: the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or general lack of fitness due to too many hours at the computer, or gratuitous non-infringement. This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors, but Tracy usually blames the copywriters for such things, since page layout programs have lousy "spell-checkers." Changes are periodically added to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the site, normally after another brilliant project has been executed, and the client's check has cleared. Tracy may make improvements and/or changes in the services(s) and/or the projects(s) described in this web publication at any time, but the fun is not knowing when or where he may strike next.

Privacy Statement
Any information gathered from this site, is not shared, licensed or otherwise sold to third parties. After all, Tracy wants your business, and jealously guards those emails on the Contact page. Feel free to email. Or call.

The purpose of this website is to provide information of a general nature, not specific or other advice, such as mental health or marriage counseling. The website is not a substitute for consultation with a qualified design practioner. Feel free to email Tracy for a real consultation. Communication through the Internet shall not constitute a "presence," "doing business" or services in any place other than California, or in the privacy of your own home in a t-shirt and boxers. Not that Tracy actually works that way, because that might give people the idea he's not a professional. The materials on this website are intended solely for information, and to impress upon people that Tracy is actually capable of designing and chewing gum at the same time. The information contained in the website is believed to be accurate, but no warranty is made as to accuracy, appropriateness or good taste. Please note that although he strives to keep information current, it may become outdated, outmoded, incomplete, or totally irrelevant.


advertising | identity | packaging | web | about | contact | © 2020 Tracy Watson, all rights reserved.

